What Happens When You Stop Doing SEO?
Many webmasters believe that SEO can be stopped and started like a train, due to budget limitations or to put money into other projects. There are consequences, however, to putting the brakes on SEO. This is especially true when the momentum has started and you’re making breakthroughs with increased revenue, more leads and more traffic arriving on your site.
No Content Creation
When you stop correctly posting content on a consistent basis you’ll find that you’ll be receiving less traffic and will be getting ranked for fewer keywords than you were before. Ultimately, when there aren’t any new pages being created that offer linking possibilities, your linking numbers will also decrease.
If you are using remarketing strategies you won’t capture as many new visitors which can be added to your push notification and email lists. Hub pages will not be created, which are basically master pages that rank well and link up to other pages with similar content and topics.
Another consequence of stopping your SEO marketing is the loss of content that others can share on social media websites. This negatively affects the amount of social media traffic and shares generated by your company. As well, people will not be driven back to your website to see any new posts and this reduces the searches made for your brand, which is seen as a bad indicator by Google.
Content must be created consistently or else Google will think that you have given up on your website.
Your Linking Profile
If you don’t keep an active eye on your linking profile everything can get out of control pretty quickly. Once you stop the SEO on your site, spamming links will start to appear and Google will start to penalize your site for it. Competitors will also attempt to do negative SEO on your website and when you don’t have your disavow file updated at least monthly, your rankings can go down very quickly.
You’ll also run the risk of having your content stolen by other sites. Once this happens, your website becomes one of the many that has duplicate content on it. Google hates duplicate content and loves unique content creation. You need to keep an eagle eye out for stolen content to make sure that your content remains fresh and compelling in the eyes of Google.
Problems with Technical Issues
It’s important to always stay on top of your website and its performance in order to avoid any major technical issues. Like many other things in life, small problems can quickly develop into huge situations that require much more time and resources to fix. Technical issues can happen in the blink of an eye without a seemingly good reason behind them. In fact, it’s easy to say that most websites that are currently online already have at least some technical issues in terms of SEO that should be dealt with ASAP.
When you fail to monitor your site from a technical aspect, these are some of the issues that could arise:
- Your development site is accidentally pushed into the index
- Duplicate content is created
- Your website becomes blocked as a result of robots.txt
Your website deserves better. It deserves all of the attention you can give it in order to keep it protected from technical issues that can easily pile up, one on top of the other, very quickly. Your site requires regular maintenance just like a car.
Cyber Security
When you work with a reputable SEO company it will manage your site with a variety of different goals in mind. Of course, increasing your bottom dollar and making your site more visible to prospective customers will always be a top priority, but the safety of your site and keeping it secure will be viewed to be just as important. After all, good SEO depends on your site staying alive and not going down due to cyber attacks by hackers.
There are security features that should be built into your site and if they aren’t, you need to get this looked into as soon as possible. In this day and age, hackers are becoming more sophisticated as the days go by and you need to make sure that your site is resistant to a cyber attack. Your Toronto SEO company should be talking to you about the safety and security of your website along with the key SEO functions required to make it more successful.
Refreshing Pages
When a page is properly refreshed, you can expect to see a 10% – 30% increase in traffic. In some cases, it can be more. This is due to Google viewing the new text and ranking the page higher due to the increased value of it. A page can be refreshed in a number of different ways including the following:
- Updating facts, dates and general information
- Adding a frequently-asked-question section
- Providing additional text
- Changing the template of the page
- Providing article links
- Adding schema
Refreshing a page successfully involves making sure that the content on the page matches the intent of the search and ensuring that the page is even better than the page that is currently ranking in the first position on Google Search.
These are just a few of the things that can go wrong when you stop doing SEO on your site. You need to make sure that you keep the momentum going the right way by continuing with SEO since stopping it can create a negative momentum that is even harder to stop once it builds up.If you are currently searching for SEO Toronto, think of us first. At Qode Media we’ll make sure that your site is looked after as well as we look after our own. We will work with your business to make sure that your business goals are being met and we’ll let you know exactly what we can do for you in order to bring your business closer to these goals quickly. Visit www.qodemedia.com now for more information.
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